
Annex 4: Materiality Mapping

Aspect Boundary Materiality
Internal External
Aspect Significance to Bank’s Operations Sri Lanka Bangladesh Customers Communities Suppliers To the Bank To the Stakeholder
1. Economic performance High High High
2. Market presence High High High
3. Indirect economic impacts Moderate Moderate High
4. Procurement practices Moderate Moderate Moderate
5. Materials Moderate Moderate Low
6. Energy Moderate High Moderate
7. Water Low
8. Biodiversity Low
9. Emissions Moderate
10. Effluents and waste Moderate Low Moderate
11. Products and services Moderate Moderate Moderate
12. Compliance Low
13. Transport Low
14. Overall Low
15. Supplier environmental assessment Moderate Moderate Low
16. Environmental grievance mechanisms Low
Social: Labour Practices and Decent Work
17. Employment High High High
18. Labour/management relations High High High
19. Occupational health and safety Moderate Moderate Moderate
20. Training and education High High High
21. Diversity and equal opportunity High High High
22. Equal remuneration for women and men High High High
23. Supplier assessment for labour practices High High Low
24. Labour practices grievance mechanisms High High High
Social: Human Rights
25. Investment Moderate Moderate High
26. Non-discrimination High High High
27. Freedom of association and collective bargaining High High High
28. Child labour High High High
29. Forced or compulsory labour High High High
30. Security practices High High High
31. Indigenous rights Low
32. Assessment Moderate Moderate Moderate
33. Supplier human rights assessment High High High
34. Human rights grievance mechanisms High High High
Social: Society
35. Local communities Moderate Moderate Moderate
36. Anti-corruption High High High
37. Public policy Low
38. Anti-competitive behaviour Low
39. Compliance High High High
40. Supplier assessment for impacts on society Moderate High Low
41. Grievance mechanisms for impacts on society Low
Social: Product Responsibility
42. Customer health and safety Low
43. Product and service labelling High High High
44. Marketing communications High High High
45. Customer privacy High High High
46. Compliance High High High
47. Product portfolio High High Moderate
48. Audit High High High
49. Active ownership Low
Other Topics
50. Bank’s CSR activities Moderate Moderate Moderate
51 Financial literacy Moderate Moderate Moderate
52 Risk management High High High
53 Innovation High High High
54 Channel migration High High High
55 Business Continuity High High High

There were neither material restatement of information provided in earlier reports nor any material change in the scope nor in the aspect boundaries of the report with regard to reporting on sustainability impacts of the Bank.